Adoptme is a premium Kotlin Multiplatform template for building marketplace style applications. It’s build using the Kotlin Multiplatform framework and styled with Compose multiplatform, offering a fast, modern user interface. With Adoptme, you can create a professional-looking marketplace application with ease, saving you time and effort.
- Shared UI and Logic for all platforms
- Kotlin Multiplatform
- Compose Multiplatform
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Serialization
- Kotlin Datetime
- Voyager for Navigation and View Models
- Koin as Dependency Injection
- Detekt for static code analysis
- Ktlint linter
- Ktor for Client
- Multiplatform-settings for storage
- Kamel for Images
- Kermit for logging
- Version Catalogs
- Ktor for Server (PostgresSQL+Tomcat)
- Swagger Codegen for OpenAPI
Adoptme is a powerful and flexible marketplace application template that offers a range of features to help you build a professional looking application. With its design and customizable options, Adoptme is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create a marketplace.